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Mariane Tavares. Creative Designer

Words are insufficient to try to explain the precepts in which they are believed, and the urge to write grows with the uncertainty of perhaps not showing what I really am. Things do not happen overnight, but many times from day to night a lot can happen. From day to night the formalities are lost in the kiss of good day and the kiss of an eternal good night. Inhospitable parallels of subtlety, life passes by and we pass through it without abiding by the mere details imprinted on every smile or every tear.

Our ground falls apart  many times with these perspectives, but with each new ground destroyed a new idea, a new precept is reconstituted. We have grown up from the passing tumbles and disagreements. The ground falls apart for a bigger "empire" can be built from it. We make mistakes and we constantly learn from them.

Madness aside, I am the one who believes in their own perspectives living outside from the comfort and common zone. It is always seek to make life LIVING and not simply lived as a blank page with some quotes and vague words. I want more. I search more. I imagine more. I create more. I want a colorful and abstract world, with pastel colors, very willingly. Actually, I want euphoria with heart. Days of magenta and blue days of solitude.

I am a Designer by choice and passion. The one who makes art her companion and best friend. What brings back cultural baggage in colorful and rustic memories with singular meanings. Because every design follows their singular signature. I am singular in extreme contradiction to my insanities seen from far away. May be said but in fact with time I will let other concepts and contradictions about myself be dictated and written as it is and as you wish it to be so.


- Nice to meet you too!!!

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